
Unchartered Territory

My very first post.  It should be great, shouldn't it?  It should include fancy words, and demonstrate a lot of expertise.  But, it just isn't me.  I prefer to keep things casual in my life.  So why not extend that to a blog?  Who am I?  I am a mom of 2 incredible boys and a wife to great husband.  I try not play up the "fluff" part of the blog with boring stuff.  I want to write about what appeals to me....and that is laughter.  I like to think at times I can be funny.  The sillier, the better.  I think many people take themselves way too seriously, and I guess I go against the grain a little bit, in that respect.  I try to find the humor in the little things.  Many times it is through my kids (I know I am not alone on this one), my observations, or things that happen in day to day life.  I am a stay at home mom, and I am active in my kids' education.  I enjoy volunteering for things through school, and helping out in any way.  I used to be an elementary
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